ALAS Audible Lockdown Alert System
Designed for Education
- Audible Alert Messages providing clear instructions
- 3 Level of Lockdown Alert
- Customisable to your School’s ongoing Emergency Plan
- Easy to operate
- Ability to be used for session change
Lockdown or “invacuation” alert systems that use sirens or alarm sounds can be confusing to pupils, staff and visitors, if they think the sound being used is an evacuation alarm it may push them towards a threat.
- Does not use Fire Alarm Bells or Tones (Find Out Why)
- Does not use IT Network Infrustructure (Find out Why)
- Does Not use Wireless (Find out why)
- Meets Recomended Guidance levels to assist with developing Dynamic Lockdown Procedures published by NaCTSO (National Counter Terrorism Security Office)
- Meets Guidance levels published by Local Authorities
The A.L.A.S. System can provide clear instructions in the event of an emergency.
- PA microphone to speak to the School
- A.L.A.S. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to allow the system to work in the event the power is cut to the site
- Additional alert buttons
ALAS School Lockdown System Information Videos
We have a range of videos availablee to view that provide a host of information and training. Visit our School Lockdown training videos now!
ALAS School Lockdown System Instruction Manual
Download our latest pdf ALAS School Lockdown system instruction manual here!